ActiveX Objects

ProModel’s ActiveX Automation capability allows you to externally create, view, and edit model elements such as locations, entities, and variables. Using Visual Basic (or any other ActiveX-enabled language), you can add capabilities to ProModel including:

• Customized user interface with table inputs

• Custom-designed parameter screens

• Automatic model creation from external data sources (e.g., Excel spreadsheets, databases, or ASCII text files)

• Software execution from another application

You can also use ProModel’s ActiveX capability to access any of the following actions and tables (any table not mentioned in the following list is not currently ActiveX enabled).

More information on ActiveX Automation can be found in the ActiveX User Guide, which is located in the documentation folder within the ProModel directory.

Program Operations

• Start program

• Quit program

• Pause simulation model

• Query status of model
(e.g., running, paused, etc.)

• Enter Run-time Interface parameters from external data source

• Access any data field provided in output database

Location Table

• Name

• Capacity

• Units

• Stats

• Incoming selection rule

• Incoming rule, max attribute

• Incoming rule, min attribute

• Queuing for Output rule

• Queuing rule, max attribute

• Queuing rule, min attribute

• Multi-unit selection rule

• Notes

• Operation rate (cost)

• Time units (cost)

Clock Downtime Subtable

• Frequency

• First time

• Priority

• Scheduled

• Logic

• Disable

Entry Downtime Subtable

• Frequency

• First time

• Logic

• Disable

Usage Downtime Subtable

• Frequency

• First time

• Priority

• Logic

• Disable

Setup Downtime Subtable

• Entity

• Prior entity

• Logic

• Disable

Entity Table

• Name

• Speed

• Stats

• Notes

• Initial cost

Resource Table

• Name

• Units

• Stats

• Resource search rule

• Entity search rule

• Entity search, min attribute

• Entity search, max attribute

• Speed empty

• Speed full

• Acceleration

• Deceleration

• Pickup time

• Drop-off time

• Return home flag

• Notes

• Network

• Home node

• Shift node

• Break node

• Operation rate (cost)

• Time units (cost)

• Cost per use

Clock Downtime Subtable

• Frequency

• First time

• Priority

• Scheduled

• List

• Node

• Logic

• Disable

Usage Downtime Subtable

• Frequency

• First time

• Priority

• List

• Node

• Logic

• Disable

Processing & Routing Tables

• Entity name

• Preemption process flag

• Location name

• Operation logic

• Routing block number

• Output entity name

• Destination name

• Destination priority

• Begin new block flag

• New entity check box

• Output quantity

• Output rule

• Output probability

• Output user condition

• Move logic

Path Networks Table

• Color

• Visible

• Name

• Type

• Basis (time or speed)

Path Segments Subtable

• From

• To

• Bi-directional

• Time

Interfaces Subtable

• Node

• Location

Mappings Subtable

• From node

• To node

• Destinations

Nodes Subtable

• Coordinates

• Name

• Capacity

Arrivals Table

• Entity name

• Location name

• Quantity of each arrival

• Qty each (cycle table name)

• First time

• Number of occurrences

• Frequency of arrivals

• Arrival logic

• Disable flag

Shift Assignments

• Locations

• Resources

• Units

• Shift files

• Start time

• Priorities

• Logic

• Disable


• Name

• Enabled

Model Parameters

Parameter Subtable

• Value

Attribute Table

• Attribute name

• Type

• Classification (entity or location)

• Notes

Variables Table

• Variable name

• Type

• Initial value

• Stats

• Stats basis

• Notes

Arrays Table

• Array ID

• Dimensions

• Type

• Import File

• Export File

• Notes

Macro Table

• Identification (name)

• Text

• Resource grouping

Subroutine Table

• Subroutine name

• Operation logic

User Distributions

• Distribution name

• Type

• Cumulative

• Percentage

• Value

External Files Table

• Filename

• File type

• Path

• Prompt

• Notes

General Information Dialog

• Model title

• Default time units

• Default distance units

• Graphics library file name

• Initialization logic

• Termination logic

• Model notes

Simulation Options Dialog

• Output path

• Run length type

• Warm-up period flag

Time Only

• Warm-up hours (time only)

• Run hours


• Warm-up start (day, hr, min)

• Simulation begin (day, hr, min)

• Simulation end (day, hr, min)

Calendar Date

• Warm-up start (month, day, year, hour, minute)

• Simulation begin (month, day, year, hour, minute)

• Simulation end (month, day, year, hour, minute)

• Output report method

• Output report interval length

• Number of replications

• Clock precision

• Clock units

• Disable time series flag

• Disable animation flag

• Disable costing flag

• Pause at start flag

• Display notes flag

More on ActiveX

For detailed information regarding ActiveX objects and methods, contact:

ProModel Sales and Support Team

Phone (888) PRO-MODEL

Fax (801) 226-6046